Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Happy Birthday for TSOT 657

Hello and welcome. This card is for the new challenge over at Try A Sketch on Tuesday. I just recently purchased oval shaped dies and a few Design Team sketches were using the Oval so it was a good investment! See the sketch below...

And here is my card...


I stayed with the shape of the sketch layout and choose florals to fill the oval. I wanted a light and airy look with just a bit of color peeking out here and there.

I overlayed the stamped images with the delicate die cut florals and trimmed them to march the oval because they were fine and bent easy. But after I placed the oval on the card base it needed a little something more so I cut another floral piece and tucked it here and there behind the main shape. Added my sentiment and a few golden yellow dots and it's finished.

Hope you feel inspired by the sketch to join us this round. Be sure to stop by the other ladies blogs on the DT and see how they used the sketch. See you next time!


Sunday, October 13, 2024

Thank You for Sunday Stamps

 Hello and Happy Sunday! The Sunday Stamps blog has a very fun and  interesting sketch this round with Laurie is our hostess. See sketch below...

So I went back and forth how to use the sketch. I knew I wanted to add images onto the bars but couldn't get certain elements to work for me until, I flipped the sketch! Than the card came together for me!

I used the sunflower like flowers I had left over from another DT card I made and didn't want them to go to waste. By just flipping the sketch, I was able to place the flowers much easier and more eye appealing I think.

I hope you get a chance to stop by the other DT blogs and get inspired and hope to see you in the gallery! Bye for now...


Monday, October 7, 2024

MMM #236 Kid Friendly

 This card is for the new challenge over at Make My Monday challenge blog. It's challenge #236 Kid Friendly theme. See my card below...

Kid Friendly...Ice Cream is pretty friendly, I think! I don't have many juvenile or character stamp sets so ice cream cone it is! I wasn't thinking boy or girl when I selected the pink CS, just thought it was pretty. I made my yummy ice cream cone from a fun die set from Spellbinders. I then made a background of clouds to make the card ice cream dreamy ;) A neutral sentiment banner and a few candy colored sequins and this card is done!

I hope you get chance to stop by the other DT blogs and see what Kid Friendly creation they came up with. Thanks for stopping by...see you soon.


Friday, October 4, 2024

N is for Numbers

 I am so glad you stopped by to check out my card for the new challenge at Alphabet Challenge Blog. I hope you will be inspired to join in with us!

N is for Numbers

  And here is my card...

The base of this card is white CS with beautiful vellum gold metallic embossed paper overlayed on that. I have been needing to make a 50th Wedding Anniversary card and with Numbers being our subject this challenge, I used this opportunity to make it. I didn't want to cover the pretty vellum so I was mindful of where I place the the other elements. I placed the 5 & 0 on a white oval shape so that would sit higher and stand out more. I added a band in matching gold glitter paper for an accent and also for so the Happy Anniversary sentiment to set on.

A few black sequins placed around to match the black of the sentiment and this card is ready to be sent out! Thanks for stopping by. Please be sure to check out the other DT blogs and see how they used the Numbers challenge. Bye for now...


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Thanks for TSOT 656

 Hi! Glad you stopped by to check things out for the new sketch challenge over at Try A Sketch on Tuesday. See the very interesting sketch below...

And here is my card...

So there is a lot going on with the sketch, I wasn't sure where to start. I was making sketches and going through different stamp set trying to figure out which direction to go! I live in Florida and we are prepping for Hurricane Helene and I needed to make this FAST and get it posted in the event we lose power for a few days. That's when I decided to go for a silhouette look. I didn't plan on a  B&W color scheme but, that's how it turned out! Materials used were B&W DSP, Black cardstock, and a Tim Holtz's Wildflower die set. The card came together pretty quickly. 

I added few bezel pearls and placed them like the sketch and fussy cut a Thanks sentiment and done in time to get it posted.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you will join us over at the Try A Sketch on Tuesday blog and see what you can do with the sketch. Be sure to stop by the other DT blogs and see what they did with the sketch!

Bye for now..


Christmas Wishes for Sparkles

Hello and I'm so glad you stopped by to checkout my card for the new October monthly challenge over at Sparkles Christmas Challenge. See the theme below...

#165 Add "Christmas" on your creation


Here is my card...

I love this set called Radiant Light. It has a vintage feel to it that I love. Like Charles Dickens Christmas Carole or something from another era. I am all about yesteryear! I stamped the image, lightly colored in for highlights. Place that image on die cut greenery and placed that on a pretty DSP I found in my stash. And of course, added Christmas Wishes in keeping with our theme this month. All in all, this card came together fairly quick. I added a few golden paper splattered stars and tiny gold metallic stars to add to the coziness feel of the card. 

Thanks for stopping by. Please be sure to stop by the other DT blogs and see how they use add "Christmas" to your creation and hopefully this will inspire you to join in this month! See you soon...


Sunday, September 29, 2024

I'm Thinking of You for SS 345

Hello and I'm glad you stopped by to check out my card for the new Color Challenge at Sunday Stamps. See image below...

Woow, these colors!!! Here is what I did with them...

So first, these colors REALLY threw me! I started 2 or 3 other cards and just couldn't find my groove. Then as it finally came together. Second, I live in Florida and I'm preparing for Hurricane Helene so it was a rush to complete the card and get it photographed! The pictures are ok. It's been overcast and raining so that is always a challenge!

I used a favorite of mine from Spellbinders - Be Bold Blooms. I did use some of the colors unconventionally like the blue leaves but, it's a little whimsy and fun! 

Thank you for stopping by. I Pray if you are in Florida, you will be safe. Please be sure to stop by the other DT blogs and see their pretties!

Bye for now...
