Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Happy Anniversary for TSOT 648

 It's time for a new sketch challenge at Try A sketch On Tuesday! Take a look at the sketch inspiration below and then see what I did with the sketch...

And here is my card...

I know...look at me following the sketch pretty much as is ๐Ÿ˜‰ I used an older set from SU! and this card came together pretty quickly. The photo has a bluish cast in the picture but the base is white, it was raining the day I took the picture and had to use artificial light for the photo ๐Ÿ˜•

And here is a closer look at this fun tropical beachy scene, who doesn't want to get away to a beautiful tropical location for their Anniversary...
Well thanks for stopping by. Glad you did. See you next time...



  1. I love how you have used that circle for an aperture scene!! It's like a dream and I want to be there :-)

  2. Great take on the sketch - that’s a gorgeous scene :)

  3. Love how you used the circle in sketch for a window scene and the water colored look of the stamping. Beautiful card and interpretation of the sketch.

  4. What a fun scene you created with the sketch. Love it.
