Sunday, June 9, 2024

Happy Anniversary for SSC 337

 Another color challenge up on the Sunday Stamps blog. I'm in need of Anniversary and Birthday cards so I am incorporating my DT card with filling my stash. See the beautiful color inspiration photo below...

Pretty huh?? See my card below...

I had the Lavender/Purple colored papers in my stash which really surprised me because I didn't think I didn't think I had those colors until I started digging around I found them. I had planned on using this die set from a previous Spellbinder monthly club with the design in mind of covering the base in leaves and placing the flowers above that on foam pieces so they look like they are floating or dimensional. After placing the flowers I decided on using one of the purple shades for the sentiment and thought it needed to pop so I heat embossed it in metallic gold on the darker of the two CS's and it placed it in the center. I place gold metallic dots here and there but it needed a little more balance of the gold so I cut out a few more leaves in gold paper and placed those and that helped to balance it. This card is done and will go in my stash to sell or give later. 


Thank you for stopping by and checking things out. Hope you do so again soon! Bye for now...


1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are so like the inspiration photo - great job! Those die cuts are beautiful!
