Monday, June 17, 2024

#2 Freshly Made Sketches

 Hello and welcome to part 2 for my Freshly Made Sketches entries. See the sketch below, then my second card for challenge #640.

Card #2

Not terrible but thought it might be too drab. I did try other colors for the plane but they looked like too much color so decided on neutral colors. 

All the stamps and dies are from older SU! sets and the card came together nicely. I did sponge some softer clouds on the base panel before adding the die cut clouds.

Thanks for stopping by for card #2. Hope to see you again sometime.
Bye for now...



  1. What a fun and creative use of the sketch! I love that little plane and it's gorgeous in neutrals. Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  2. Such an exquisite masculine design! Love that vintage vibe! Thanks for joining us at FMS this week.
